Sunday, April 6, 2008


So what's the deal? Why are religion and science fighting? Back in the day, (I mean way back in the day, like when Galileo almost found himself executed for saying the earth revolved, not the sun, and earlier) religion used to be "science". The CATHOLIC CHURCH commissioned the mapping of the stars (see Tycho Brahe) to try to understand G-d's plans. The church was the scientific institution. The first printed book? The bible!

So why is it today that you are either a Creationist or a Scientist? Why are the Big Bang and the Genesis two separate things? Why are there people who refuse to take their kids to the doctors because "G-d will save them"?

Things like this always drive me nuts. I have my own religious beliefs, just as everyone else does. And I completely respect what other people believe, when it doesn't mean the end of someone else's (or their own) life! Someone who chooses to "pray" over going for a simple doctor's visit, is just asking for death. It doesn't matter if you are jewish, muslim, catholic, or etc. etc. all religions teach similar things - that G-d provides you with the strength and tools you need in life. In my opinion, that includes the ability to hop in the car and go to a doctor, who him/herself was given the ability to help the sick, who in turn have the tools to diagnose and treat illnesses.

"If I cross the street without looking I won't get hit by a car because G-d will protect me." No, IDIOT! G-d gave you the ability to turn your head two directions before walking to the other side of the road. The rest is up to you.

Anyways, enough of that rant. You see, I'm definitely a scientist at heart. I look for answers in everything, a why and a how. Now, in MY opinion, science does not disprove the existence of G-d. Nor does it prove it, like the gene guy in this link claims. I think that science and G-d are one in the same. Our discoveries of the mysteries of the universe, atoms, molecules, chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, art... they are all results of mankind unraveling how the universe works. G-d will still obey the laws of nature and the universe. We just haven't figured them all out yet.

There is an interesting book by Gerald Schroeder called Genesis and the Big Bang where he claims to have discovered how the Big Bang really did take 6 days (give or take a few hours). How mathematical calculations and Einstein's theories, coupled with relevant texts in the Torah (Old Testament) are aligned and are equivalent. While I don't necessarily agree with Dr. Schroeder in everything he has to say, it's interesting to think about how it is entirely possible to have a world that is governed by both a religion and science and have them support each other.

Creationism? Ok, sorry guys... I'll be blunt. That I do not subscribe to. While Darwin didn't get it completely right, his theory is pretty darn solid. We can see the evidence, etc. etc. I don't need to convince anyone who is reading this. But why can't the story of Creation and Evolution be one in the same? Maybe there is just something WE don't yet understand. Evolution does not say there is no G-d. On the contrary, it just says G-d is more mysterious than we really know. To me, creationism sounds like "some mysterious something blinked and everything appeared." If that were true, be careful, gravity might just turn off tomorrow. Or existence could be blinked right out again in a second - so who cares about laws, let's party like its judgement day!

I'm always cautious about religious subjects because people can be pretty passionate about what they believe in. I just wish people would stop and think sometimes (especially before they head out with bombs strapped to themselves, or completely armed in the name of their G-d, or start protesting funerals) that maybe we scientists aren't the enemy. We're just trying to help understand.

To me, G-d is just a really great engineer :-).

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